Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shop locally- it matters!

Even though I'm an online store, I embrace this idea. Who knew how far $50 a month spent in your local stores could go?????

Save your local economy three stores at a time!
For additional information, please visit

Monday, October 26, 2009

Boys will be boys!

How time flies! I made this video of my little rascals about a year ago- and I cannot believe how amazingly fast time is flying by. They are growing into little men, right before my very eyes!
To think that Mills is 6 now, and he has already been with us 1/3 of the time he will live at home with us, it brings tears to my eyes. What blessings they have been to me. So here they are a year ago in this video. Before Mills could read, before they discovered Legos, before Nicholas could ride a bike by himself, before they built forts, before organized sports...if only adults increased our skill sets the way children do- imagine that! What changes would my year bring? Oh yes, year #36: Electra learned to speak Italian, she learned to Salsa dance, she obtained her yoga teacher training, she completed dozens of oil paintings, she grew her business, found new ways to give back, dabbled in raw food, created, played, and laughed everyday, grew a garden, traveled to new places, made Indian food, became a better Mommy and wife, and she became closer to her ideal self. Whew! Something to shoot for, right? What could we all DO and BE if we went after life with the enthusiasm, curiosity, and wild abandon that children have? Fun stuff to ponder...xo, Electra

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Wall Monogram Decals and free shipping code!

Check out Charlie's sweet nursery! His parents surprised him with a custom giant wall decal just in time for his Baptism this past weekend. This photo does not do it justice! The color of the wall shows through the polka dots that are cut out of the vinyl.

These make GREAT gifts and will not harm your wall! We have several new designs and fonts for our giant wall monograms on the site...come check them out! Not just for nurseries, see how sophisticated they look in the rooms above! Go're worth it!
*For FREE shipping- use the code GREENVILLE at checkout where it asks for coupons/promotional codes. Click "apply" after you type in GREENVILLE for it to activate* Happy Fall Y'all!!!

All about PUMPKIN!!!!

When I was a little girl, my mom would always call me "Pumpkin" or "Pumpkin Pie"- I guess because I was so sweet! haha Now I am grateful to have my OWN little "Pumpkins" and yesterday we picked out a plump guy, and several little small pumpkins to adorn our steps with.

Well, today we carved him up! Nicholas was convinced the pumpkin goop inside would make my hands really soft! We saved the seeds to toast- we'll see how that goes tomorrow. Anyway, tonight after bathtime, we surprised Daddy by lighting up our creation, and BOY was he surprised and relieved that he didn't have to do it, AND that nobody got cut in the process!

Please allow me to gush over MY "pumpkins" and our Halloween pumpkin, too. My boys are ENAMORED with their new baby cousin, Eva. Hope you are enjoying the fall and festivities with your loved ones. We had quite a few requests for black monogrammed decals for pumpkins, and I am sure they are lovely, but I just could not go there! I appreciate all the continued support of my business! xo, Electra

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My little elves!!! before the holiday madness kicks in and I have to put on my SuperMompreneur cape, boots, and tiara on, I wanted to just play hookie from "work" and just chill with my little men. Although I can get a lot done while they are playing army men or painting, or chasing eachother through the studio, today I just had to push the monograms aside and say...enough! The orders will still be here tomorrow. I want to relish in the moment and just ENJOY my boys.

They are really fascinated with forts and building now. Everyday, several times a day, every cushion from every sofa in our house is assmebled into a massive fort. Yesterday they built a hotel, and Nicholas even made me a bed of pillows with a blanket on top. I checked in as Mrs. Monogram and I ordered room service which they brought me, and I must say, I received 5 star service. Nicholas, the chef, prepared a "Hambooger and Shies" for me, while Mills delighted in calling my cell and giving me my wake up call. Overall, it was a lovely stay, although there were a few green army men in my bed.
Nicholas also likes to wriggle into small places and hide. They both love to sing and dance and watch themselves on the webcam. They love eachother and are best friends, but they will also spontaneously erupt into full blown Greco-Roman wrestling at any given moment. Nicholas makes up his lack of size with "sneak attacks" and resourcefulness. He cannot inflict pain on his own, but he can sure make a goose egg on Mills' head when he throws a Hotwheel at him like a major league pitcher. My boys. My loves. My life!

Hugs and kisses to you, too, Daddy! Let's pencil in some time for you to play hookie next week with us, okay? :) After Thanksgiving, the cape, boots, and tiara go back on until all the decorations are up, shopping is done, presents are wrapped, and all the little holiday monograms are on their way to their new owners! I'm grateful to be busy! But I'm never too busy to play in a fort with my little rascals.....take care! Electra

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Holiday Shopping- Come and GET IT!!!!!!!

My OH MY!!!!! Thanksgiving is JUST around the corner. Since these next 6 weeks are our busiest of the WHOLE YEAR, Mama went out and got the little rascals a Wii! (Don't worry, they can't read this yet! Shhhh....just between us girls!) I cannot wait to see their little faces :)

Since I have to have my holiday shopping done EARLY, I thought...why not remind y'all as well- and give you a little incentive. Many of you have been coveting the large wall monograms...yes they are SPLENDID if I do say so myself! But with the economy, that kind of decorative accent, although it absolutely takes a room from plain-jane to plain FANTASTIC, it is a splurge when we are ALL tightening our belts.

Well, as a way of saying THANKS and Happy Thanksgiving...I have a special code that we opened up to our facebook group and I'm sharing it here. It is for $35 off a $100 purchase, so you can go GET that wall monogram you have been drooling over, GUILT FREE! No excuses! :)

Simply go to my site and select what you'd like. At checkout, after the address screen, it will have a box where you type in coupon or promotional codes. Type in facebook35 here and click "apply" and you will see your new subtotal to the right. Happy Shopping. You deserve nice go and get them (until Thanksgiving) at a substantial discount!!! As ALWAYS, I appreciate your business- your kind word of mouth referrals have changed the trajectory of my business!

Wall monogram art is here:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Preppy Checkbook Covers from Electra's Monograms!

Well, it has been a LONG day! I was up until 5am getting a big order out, then I got up at 8 and sweet Hubby had already gotten the kids ready for school. The boys and I darted out after I gulped down some coffee, arrived JUST on time, and then we enjoyed their Fall Festival. It was a sun-shiny, caramel-apple eating, pony riding, craft making, sack hopping, fun-filled day. I came home for 2 hours and made monograms with Rasheeda, then I picked them up from school and spent the rest of the afternoon preparing packages inbetween raking leaves into piles for them to jump into! I am exhausted, but so satisfied that I somehow can eek out so much work AND so much PLAY! Now if I can just find more time to SLEEP! haha

Please let me introduce you to our new FABULOUS checkbook covers! I had the MOST fun making these. I created about 10 different styles, but I narrowed it down to my 3 favorites. Each one is vibrant in color and printed on heavy cardstock and placed in a thick vinyl cover.

What an AWESOME teacher's gift, hostess gift, stocking stuffer, Secret Santa gift, office gift, or how about one for yourself? At only $10 for a personalized, "thoughty" gift...get one for all the girls on your list!